Articles in a scholarly periodical are usually published by academic publishers or by scholarly or professional societies and organizations. The intended audience is made up of specialists in professions and academic disciplines, teachers, researchers, and students learning research in their academic fields. Scholarly publications are journals that are often subscribed to by individual scholars or by college and university libraries. Articles in these types of publications receive what is called in the academic world “peer review.” Prior to acceptance for publication, all manuscripts of proposed articles are reviewed by scholars in the field to judge scholarly merit, research value, and accuracy. Scholarly articles normally indicate the credentials of the author, explain the methodology used in the research, and list footnotes or references to document the source material used in writing the article.
Articles in a popular periodical are written for the general public who are not specialists in a subject area. The author writes in simple language and assumes that the reader may not know much about the topic.The purpose of the article is to entertain, to report news, or to summarize information. Popular periodicals usually have many advertisements and photographs.